Moor & Brine Arrangements


We have put together the following specials for you

Immerse yourself in relaxation and health with our Moor & Brine Specials at the Kulturhotel Fürst Pückler Park.

Our Moor & Brine arrangements for you

Moor & Meer

3-5 Übernachtungen / Halbpension 

In Sachsen einzigartig ist das gemeinsame Vorkommen der zwei ortsgebundenen natürlichen Heilmittel Thermalsole und Naturmoor. Bad Muskau kann damit für seine Gäste echte (!) regionale Schätze zur Anwendung bringen. Genießen Sie das Welt"natur"erbe und schenken Sie Ihrem Körper neue Kraft.

Moor & Brine

3-7 nights / half board

The co-occurrence of two local natural healing agents, thermal brine and natural mud, is unique in Saxony. Bad Muskau can therefore offer its guests real (!) regional treasures. Enjoy the world's "natural" heritage and give your body new strength.

Private treatment

7-21 nights / halfboard

Treatment on a self-pay basis without single room supplement. All treatments are individual single treatments - no group therapies!

Schloßstraße 8, 02953 Bad Muskau

Tel.: 035771 - 5330 


Concept, design, marketing & programming by myhotelshop in cooperation with stroke and marvel.